Portrait, Animal, landscape Art

by Mark Turnbull
Once or twice a year I will be holding a prize draw/competition in which the winner will have a pastel portrait done of a subject of their choice, along with a £1000 donation to a local charity of their choosing.
So, now it's time for that competion, and the rules and requirements for entry are listed below....and must be complered in order. The question you have to answer is this......recently I have started hiding something related to my surname within my paintings, what is it?
Use the paypal link to pay the entry fee of £6, putting the answer to the competion question in the payment title.
Return to the competition post on my art page (link below), like and share that post, and in the comments section please write "liked, answered, shared, and......charity choice".... (insert your charity choice). Commenting and sharing will speed up the time to get to the required amount of entries, because more people will see it, therefore I will be able to draw the winner sooner.
The charity you choose must be a local one.
The draw will take place once I hit the required 500 entries, and not sooner.
Once the number of entries hits 500, I will put that figure into a random number generator, and then count down the comments on the post until that random number is hit, for example....if the number generator chooses number 215, the 215th person to comment on the post with the proof of entry stated above, will be the winner.
I will then contact the winner's chosen charity and inform them of the donation, and make arrangments to pay them, and arrange for photos to be sent to me so i can begin the portrait.
The portait, once completed will be fully framed with a lovely double mount
You must complete stages 1 and 2 to enter, I will be able to match the number of paypal entries to the number of comments on the post.
Only one entry per person!
Ok, so you've read the rules, now get entering and good luck. For your Information, the odds of you winning are a very decent 500 - 1.
2010 - present
2010 - present